The real hot 100

Feministing wants you to nominate some really hot chicks.

Published December 5, 2005 2:56PM (EST)

Today Feministing, in collaboration with the Younger Women's Task Force and Girls in Government, has announced the launch of the "REAL hot 100," just like Maxim's annual "Hot 100" list except not so much about glistening breasts spilling out of bikini tops. No, the "REAL hot 100" is meant to "highlight the work that young women are doing and change perceptions ... about why young women are 'hot.'"

"The REAL hot 100 shows that young women are 'hot' for reasons beyond their ability to pose provocatively in a magazine. REALLY hot women are smart. REALLY hot women work for change. REALLY hot women arent afraid to speak their minds. And while some REALLY hot women might look awesome in a bikini, they know that's not all they have to offer."

The project is accepting nominations, and you can already ogle the first candidate, 23-year-old Tamara Rodriguez Reichberg, who is (deep breath) an associate for the Women's Rights Division of Human Rights Watch in New York, researcher for the National Council for Research on Women, waitress, volunteer teacher for incarcerated women with the Prison Education Initiative (which she helped co-found), photographer and graduate student in human rights at Columbia.

So it's not like the bar is set high or anything, but if you know anyone who you feel represents "the intelligence, drive and diversity of young women in the U.S.," send in your nominations now! There is no age restriction (except that women must be over 18), though the "REAL hot 100" are supposed to roughly correspond with the demographic showcased in Maxim's Hot 100. You can nominate yourself (and should, damn it!). The deadline is Feb. 1.

Let the cat-calling commence, ladies.

By Rebecca Traister

Rebecca Traister writes for Salon. She is the author of "Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women" (Free Press). Follow @rtraister on Twitter.

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