Follow Election 2006 -- join Salon Premium!

From Abramoff to Alito, the drama's already begun. Become a Premium member and you won't miss a minute of the action.

Published January 10, 2006 8:10PM (EST)

Not even two weeks into this crucial midterm election year, the nation has seen plenty of political drama: Last week GOP |ber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials, and within days his friend Tom DeLay dropped his bid to regain his majority leader post. An embattled President Bush is embroiled in a domestic spying scandal that's awakened a slumbering Congress, and on Monday Samuel Alito shambled into his Supreme Court confirmation hearings without the cloak of inevitability John G. Roberts wore just four months ago. Looming in November: A nationwide referendum on the imperial yet often impotent Bush presidency. It's going to be a fascinating year, and if you don't want to miss a moment of political intrigue, you should join Salon Premium today.

We began gearing up for 2006 months ago: In November we announced our hiring of Walter Shapiro as our Washington bureau chief, and he joined us last week, stepping up to cover the Alito hearings. Meanwhile, Washington correspondent Michael Scherer was all over the Abramoff indictment (and while others mistook the lobbyist's black hat for mobster garb, we were the only ones to tell you what it really meant). And in War Room, Tim Grieve brings you all the news -- on Alito, Abramoff, indictments, nominations, resignations -- often before you'll find it anywhere else.


But in this election year Salon also brings you the stories that get hidden behind the big-news headlines: Mark Benjamin's latest installment on how the Pentagon fails Iraq veterans, for instance, revealed that soldiers aren't being quickly diagnosed and treated for the troublesome brain injuries unique to the unpredictable, explosive nature of the Iraq war. And Michelle Goldberg caught the hypocrisy in past allies of white supremacists gathering in a conservative black church in Philadelphia for so-called Justice Sunday.

Of course you can always read Salon for free if you watch a brief ad -- and you support us every time you do that. But Premium members are a special group of Salon readers -- they're more loyal, they read Salon more frequently, e-mail stories to their friends, buy memberships as gifts. And they don't want even a brief ad to stand between them and their Salon stories! Most important, though, all of our member surveys show that people join Salon to support our brand of independent journalism, because they know high-quality reporting and analysis isn't free, or even cheap. Joining Salon is a lot like supporting your local public television or radio station: You know you can see the content for free, and you know most in the audience do, but you like the sense of community that comes with paying to support excellent journalism.


But you're not only doing a good deed when you support Salon. Our Premium program has become a great way to sample new and established magazines -- right now you get Wired, Rolling Stone and the Week. You get to join our 10-year-old membership community, Table Talk. And in coming months we'll be rolling out a series of new member benefits, including new magazines, free books, invitations to special Salon events and opportunities to meet and interact with Salon editors and writers and other Premium members.

So join Salon Premium today. You'll find a community of people who support fearless independent journalism, and you won't miss a moment of the 2006 campaign.

Best wishes,

Joan Walsh,
Editor in chief

By Salon Staff

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