No s-e-x on Valentine's Day

Decreeing a "Day of Purity," the right wants kids to celebrate not having sex on Feb. 14.

Published February 3, 2006 3:12PM (EST)

Move over St. Valentine. The religious right is muscling in on Feb. 14, renaming it the Day of Purity.

Yes, on Valentine's Day, millions of kids burnish their puppy love while getting all sugared up on Sweethearts laced with succinct sentiment like "Be Mine," "Hug Me" and "One Kiss." But the good folks at the Liberty Counsel in Orlando, Fla., would instead like the little nippers to take this day to ponder the scourges of sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy and other assorted horrors of s-e-x outside of marriage. (Thanks for the tip goes to Nerve, by way of Feministing. Apparently, this is the third annual D. of P., but somehow we missed the first and second.)

"The Day of Purity is a day when this nation's youth can make a public demonstration of their commitment to remain sexually pure, in mind and action," quoth the Liberty Counsel Web site. "The Day of Purity offers the youth who strive for sexual purity an opportunity to stand in opposition to a culture of moral decline." Among the dozens of groups supporting the day, two of our favorites: True Love Waits and Exodus International.

So, kiddies, fret no more about who will give you a homemade valentine, cut from red construction paper, decorated with awkwardly glued-on scraps of white lace. Instead, get busy organizing your elementary, junior high or high school's celebration of the Day of Purity, like other pure minors from these fine institutions. If you're stumped as to what a "public demonstration" of your purity might be, there's even a "Livepure" wristband -- in virginal white, naturally -- to buy on the Liberty Counsel site. Cost of the wristband: $3. Making mom and dad proud by turning your virginity into a status symbol: priceless!

By Katharine Mieszkowski

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.

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