France knights Uma Thurman for being hot

Also to be added to the nation's round-table: Shalom Harlow and Kylie Minogue.

Published February 8, 2006 12:16AM (EST)

Yep, you read that right: The French Ministry of Culture proclaimed American glamazon Uma Thurman a knight in the Order of Arts and Letters on Tuesday. And when we say it bestowed the honor on the basis of her hotness, we're scarcely even exaggerating. Here are some priceless snippets from the knighting ceremony, courtesy of the Associated Press:

"We welcome Uma Thurman, a model-actress, admired throughout the world and especially in our country, France," Cannes film festival director Gilles Jacob told the crowd.

And why is France so enchantée with Thurman? Well, Jacob told the actress, because "the public discovered your grace and sensuality." But of course.

The AP also noted that "Jacob hailed the 35-year-old actress as a 'classic and disconcerting beauty,' a 'femme fatale' and a 'dreamy creature' before pinning a medal on her black Christian Dior jacket." (If we hadn't always considered Thurman sort of awesome, that paragraph alone would make us puke all over our gray Old Navy cardigan. But it didn't, because she kicks ass.)

Fortunately, the AP reported, Thurman was savvy enough to take the fawning in stride: "'I'm so flattered and touched by your comments,' said Thurman, who was in France to promote her new movie, 'The Producers.'"

By Page Rockwell

Page Rockwell is Salon's editorial project manager.

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