On Tuesday, Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon published a pretty funny list of myths about feminists. She explains that the list is a clarification for new "troll" letter writers, to welcome them to the site and help "direct them to which [of their beliefs about feminists] are true and which ones are not." It sounds like the kind of exercise a lot of Broadsheet's own devoted readers and writers might enjoy and/or benefit from!
Among the myths Amanda takes on are that "feminists hate men" ("frequently trotted out by the exact same people who think that we think we are men"); "feminists hate sex" ("not true, but what is true is that it's physically painful to refrain from saying, 'With you, sure,' to any man who says this"); "feminists are upper middle class white women who are just bored and have nothing better to do"; "feminists have no sense of humor"; "feminists think there's something so wrong about rape" ("this one would actually be true. We're no fun like that"); and "feminists dont shave" ("technically true, but that's because most of us, well-versed in the art of witchcraft, don't grow body hair any longer").