Daily Download: "Sunrise," Caroline

A free download from a half-Japanese art-pop princess

Published April 27, 2006 8:01AM (EDT)

A few months back I posted the blog-adored single "Where's My Love," by Okinawa-born, L.A.-residing Caroline Lufkin, and now she has a new full-length, "Murmurs," out on Temporary Residence. The album includes "Where's My Love," which isn't a surprise -- what is surprising is that it's not obviously the best track here, just one of the strongest on an impressively consistent debut release. "Sunrise" is also a winner, a wistful song with undercurrents both ominous and joyful, and a vocal that sounds like limp-wristed Björk, drained of her life force and convalescing upon that lovely, fluffy beat.

-- T.B.

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