What else we're reading

Botox treatments for depression and more.

Published May 22, 2006 10:38PM (EDT)

Newsweek: Botox shows promise as a treatment for depression by limiting people's ability to frown.

San Francisco Chronicle: Survey of advances for women around the world, from trying to do away with "mademoiselle" in France to insisting on single-sex subway cars in Brazil to welcoming federal protections for "mail-order brides" in the U.S.

Telegraph: British police bust alleged S&M sex slavery sect, which is based on 1960s science fiction novels by American John Gorman. (Members are known as Kaotians.)

New York Times: Nicholas Kristof warns that Girl Scout cookies are full of trans fats. (TimesSelect; subscription required)

Washington Post: An increasing number of babies are being born prematurely, making them susceptible to later health and developmental problems.

Women's eNews: Reproductive-rights issues are absent from the election season in Peru, which has one of the highest illegal-abortion rates in Latin America.

By Sarah Elizabeth Richards

Sarah Elizabeth Richards is a journalist based in New York. She can be reached at sarah@saraherichards.com.

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