What else we're reading

Breast-feeding barrages, Mississippi sieges, Plan B border-crossings, and more.

Published June 21, 2006 10:13PM (EDT)

Boston Globe: Sales of Plan B have spiked in Canada. Are American women crossing the border to buy it?

Feminist Majority Foundation: Operation Save America (formerly Operation Rescue) plans to lay siege to Mississippi's only abortion clinic in July.

New York Times: The Times -- like us -- got a barrage of letters in response to "Breast-Feed or Else." And at HuffPo: Both the HHS breast-feeding campaign and the Times article ignore women with post-partum depression.

Alternet: Two kids are shielded from food ads, and guess what: they ask for sweet potatoes as bedtime snacks.

San Francisco Chronicle: "Should we trust Esquire's requiem for U.S. men?"

AP/Houston Chronicle: Mobile clinics cater to pregnant TX teens -- and helps achieve a repeat pregnancy rate as low as 3%.

Chicago Tribune: Today's celebrity-obsessed culture gives teens "delusions of intimacy."

Chicago Tribune: The Trib also heard from numerous readers in response to its article about women and "sexy" work clothes.

MSNBC: Women's mysteriously masochistic relationship with their [non-work] clothing.

By Lynn Harris

Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of BreakupGirl.net. She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.

MORE FROM Lynn Harris

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