Voice of America, via Feministing: Women are the fastest-growing population in the U.S. prison system; in fact, "over 950,000 women are currently under some form of correctional supervision."
International Herald Tribune: The European Union is considering import/export quotas and tariffs to prevent, among other things, a repeat of last year's "bra wars." Had we but known of these bra wars, we might have enlisted.
The Onion, aptly: "Miracle of Birth Occurs For 83 Billionth Time."
Associated Press: Following New York's lead, Georgia's Supreme Court upholds the state's same-sex marriage ban.
Reuters: Fake advertising agency purports to sell ad space on prostitutes' thighs and bosoms. Ha?
New York Times: 3-in-1 antiretroviral pill may help AIDS patients in the developing world.
Washington Post: Underscoring the importance of the word "alleged" in pending cases, the judge in a Naval Academy rape case upbraids school administrators for sending official school emails insinuating that accused quarterback Lamar S. Owens Jr. was guilty.
Nerve: Anne Rice heckles Amazon reviewers who don't like her books.