Though it has already been (un)covered in the Fix this morning, we can't resist one more mention: A bust of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, atop a pedestal declaring her the "First Woman President of the United States of America," will be unveiled at New York's Museum of Sex on Aug. 9. Sculptor Daniel Edwards -- the same guy who brought you Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug -- says he believes his piece, which is indeed, er, busty, is "anatomically correct." As he told the New York Daily News, "it's hard to find many images of her [breasts]. She usually covers herself up in a professional way. But there are beach photos of her."
Museum director Daniel Gluck thinks that the sculpture "will stir debate on whether a woman need squelch her sexuality in order to succeed as leader of the free world." It's an interesting question, although it seems unlikely that Clinton will have much of a choice. As we've seen with someone like Condoleezza Rice, for a woman in higher office, sexuality is scrutinized as much as policymaking.