What else we're reading

Updating antiquated rape laws in Pakistan, debating black women's role in advertising, the very dubious allure of a dismembering serial killer, and more.

Published August 1, 2006 9:20PM (EDT)

Associated Press: Pakistan's National Assembly will soon consider changing the country's rape laws. Under the new proposal, alleged victims would no longer have to produce four Muslim witnesses to their attacks to get a conviction. Plus, those who fail to prove their cases would no longer be subject to charges of adultery (the penalties for which range from death by stoning to life in prison).

AP, again: During his Senate confirmation hearing today, acting FDA commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach claimed that the agency's waffling over emergency contraception was based "not on a political ideology, but on a medical ideology." Planned Parenthood gives props to Sens. Hillary Clinton and Patty Murray for slamming "the agency's scientifically baseless delay."

New York Times: The Business section flags the trend of black women depicted as overweight, loud and aggressive in advertising; various ad execs debate whether the caricature constitutes a problem.

Australia's Daily Telegraph: At least according to a survey conducted by the Oxygen network, three out of four women prefer high-tech entertainment gadgets to diamonds.

BBC: Women over 40 are at risk for eating disorders. In fact, according to a magazine survey of more than 2,000 women, "The average woman over the age of 40 wants to weigh less than she did at 20." We can't vouch for the survey methods, but even the suggestion is sad.

The Hindu, via a Kaiser Network daily report: A recent U.N. report found that polygamous husbands are chiefly responsible for the spread of HIV among women in India.

Los Angeles Times: The strange, unsettling relationship between convicted serial killer Wayne Adam Ford (who cut off at least one of his victim's breasts and stored it in a Ziploc bag) and British-born actress Victoria Redstall (who formerly worked as a spokesmodel for breast-enhancement supplements).

By Page Rockwell

Page Rockwell is Salon's editorial project manager.

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