It seems like just yesterday that House Speaker Dennis Hastert was all about protecting kids from online sexual predators. No, wait -- it was just this morning. A few hours ago, Hastert's Web site led with two press releases about keeping kids safe in cyberspace. Then somebody took those headlines down, replacing them with links to much older press releases about the speaker's "mobile office tour" and something called the "Emerald Ash Borer." Think Progress noted the sudden switch, and now it seems that someone in Hastert's office has noticed the notice: The two "Keep Kids Safe in Cyberspace" headlines are back up on Hastert's site, albeit right under breaking news about Indian gaming in Shabbona, Ill.
Denny Hastert's Web site magic act
How to make stories about sexual predators disappear and then reappear all over again.
By Tim Grieve
Published October 2, 2006 5:00PM (EDT)

By Tim Grieve
Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.
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