Abramoff headed to prison

ABC News reports that, over the objections of prosecutors, convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff will be locked up Wednesday.

Published November 14, 2006 9:47PM (EST)

Sources tell ABC News that Jack Abramoff is headed to prison -- and his prosecutors aren't happy about it.

In a situation like this, where the target of an investigation or prosecution is cooperating, the feds like to keep their witness close by for ease of access to them and their information. Abramoff, for instance, has reportedly been giving up so much dirt that he now has a desk of his own at the FBI. So prosecutors in the case have been doing their best to keep him out of jail, but, ABC reports, they can't stall the inevitable any longer: A judge has ordered the former lobbyist to report to prison Wednesday. Prosecutors did manage to get Abramoff assigned to the federal prison closest to Washington, however.

ABC offers some tantalizing glimpses into what prosecutors are so interested in -- information about Karl Rove and other administration staffers, the network says, and "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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