Coincidence? Election over, gas prices up again

A 12-week slide in the price at the pump came to an abrupt end right around Election Day.

Published November 20, 2006 7:11PM (EST)

If you were a little suspicious of the way in which gasoline prices just happened to dive just before this month's midterm elections, this bit of news won't exactly put your mind at ease: After dropping 84 cents between Aug. 11 and Nov. 3, gas prices are up five cents in the first Lundberg Survey released after the Nov. 7 election.

Trilby Lundberg tells CNN that the reversal in the 12-week pre-election slide shows that the market has "soaked up" a "mini-glut" of crude oil from August, causing a "normalization" of supply and demand.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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