Sperm not needed for DNA match, burkinis are back, and more

Plus, Sports Illustrated bans itself from libraries.

Published March 10, 2007 12:18AM (EST)

BBC: Scientists will now be able to make matches in rape cases even when the attacker doesn't leave behind any sperm. A new test can make a genetic fingerprint of the rapist from other cells found in the semen.

New York Times: The burkini is back or, rather, the Times just got word of its advent. There's a feature on Muslim women down under who are pursuing their lifeguarding dreams thanks to the invention of what is essentially a water-friendly version of the burqa. It looks far more comfortable than the crotch-flossing life-saving getups of "Baywatch" fame.

Los Angeles Times: Speaking of bathing suits, the LAT reports that Sports Illustrated's parent company has stopped sending its swimsuit issue to libraries and schools after receiving criticism for publishing increasingly risqué content. They were trying for something good here, but Deborah Caldwell-Stone, deputy director of the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, makes an important point: "It doesn't take much to complain that something else is inappropriate for another reason, whether it be politics, morality or another viewpoint. This is an intellectual freedom issue when we have a corporation deciding what people can read."

Associated Press: In a nod to International Women's Day (which was Thursday, by the way), the AP gives a rundown of the women's issues that Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has championed in just her first year in office. To name a few: providing over-the-counter access to the morning-after pill for girls age 14 and older, allowing women to breast-feed at work, and creating gender parity among top positions in her administration.

Also from the AP: Turns out when Newt Gingrich was attacking President Clinton for his sexual transgressions, the conservative politician was carrying on an extramarital affair of his own. Hear that? That's the absolute silence of a million jaws not dropping to the floor.

By Tracy Clark-Flory

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