The last time John McCain rode the Straight Talk Express, people still used VCRs and the words "You" and "Tube" were not spoken together. Last week, when McCain barnstormed Iowa, even the national newspaper reporters had to file regular blog entries, and digital video cameras were plentiful. Here are two exchanges between McCain and reporters that I captured in the back of the bus. In the first, he admits that his presidential ambitions may be held captive by the fate of President Bush's surge plan. In the second, he claims to have never dressed in drag and dodges questions about homosexuality. This is just a taste of what's to come, as every moment of the presidential campaign becomes vulnerable to instant broadcast online.
Straight Talk shorts
John McCain addresses his legacy on the Iraq war, and whether he'd ever dressed in drag.
Published March 22, 2007 12:47PM (EDT)

By Michael Scherer
Michael Scherer is Salon's Washington correspondent. Read his other articles here.
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