Not that there's anything wrong with that

GOP presidential hopeful Tommy Thompson says Jews have a "tradition" of making money.

Published April 16, 2007 7:38PM (EDT)

Did GOP presidential candidate Tommy Thompson just have his "macaca" moment? Speaking before the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington today, the former Wisconsin governor explained his financial success after government work this way:

"I'm in the private sector, and for the first time in my life I'm earning money," Thompson reportedly said. "You know, that's sort of part of the Jewish tradition and I do not find anything wrong with that."

According to a report from Haaretz, Thompson subsequently apologized, after realizing that he'd upset some people in the audience. We're not so sure that he made things better.

"I just want to clarify something because I didn't [by] any means want to infer or imply anything about Jews and finances and things," Haaretz quotes Thompson as saying. "What I was referring to, ladies and gentlemen, is the accomplishments of the Jewish religion. You've been outstanding business people and I compliment you for that."

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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