In case you missed it: This is not a hoax, though I wish it were, and not just because as parody, it would be geeeenius. In a recent Fox News piece with the actual red-alert headline "Should Physical Size Factor Into Who Wins 'American Idol'?" the wedding-gown-challenging, Redbook-boycotting, Van Halen-obsessing MeMe Roth, founder of National Action Against Obesity, criticized Ruben Studdard Jordin Sparks for being overweight and, therefore, a poor role model. "When I look at Jordin, what I see is diabetes, I see heart disease, I see high cholesterol," she said. "She is the picture of unhealth." Snap! Roth "debated" Ramin Setoodeh of Newsweek in the segment, who basically said, "Wha?" Of course, Fox is just mining "Idol" for whatever it can get, and Sparks, apparently groomed as a performer for most of her 17 years, appears to lack an otherwise interesting ugly duckling or discovered-singing-in-the-stockroom back story. So, you know, they go with the got-back story. But judging from the reaction all over the Web (including people who think that when Melinda Doolittle lost, the terrorists won), Americans voted, and they said, "Hey MeMe, eff YouYou."
Jordin sparks "fat" debate
Fox: "Should physical size factor into who wins 'American Idol'?"
By Lynn Harris
Published May 30, 2007 7:12PM (EDT)

By Lynn Harris
Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.
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