Exclusive Song of the Day: "This Boy Can Wait," the Wedding Present

The late-'80s English guitar pop of your dreams?

Published June 1, 2007 7:01AM (EDT)

The other night I dreamed that I'd gone back in time to 1988 and moved to London. I dyed my hair jet black, teased it half-a-mile high, bought myself a baggy trench coat and spent most of my time reading Byron and pogo-dancing in dark, dank nightclubs. A raccoon-eyed girl named Perfidia gave me a mix tape with a version of the Wedding Present's great "This Boy Can Wait" on it. If I remember correctly, Perfidia taped it off the radio, but those of you unable to access my dreams or travel back in time can find the song on a newly released compilation of material that this underappreciated and very Smiths-like band recorded for the BBC.

-- David Marchese

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