Judge cites Libby's guilt; Wilson ponders Cheney's role

The White House says only that Bush feels sad for Libby's family.

Published June 5, 2007 6:23PM (EDT)

U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton as he sentenced Scooter Libby to 30 months in prison for obstructing justice, committing perjury and making false statements: "Evidence in this case overwhelmingly indicated Mr. Libby's culpability ... I have the highest respect for people who take positions in our government and appreciate tremendously efforts they bring to bear to protect this country. I also think it is important we expect and demand a lot from people who put themselves in those positions. Mr. Libby failed to meet the bar."

Former ambassador Joseph Wilson on the sentence Libby received for obstructing the investigation into the outing of his wife, Valerie Plame: "Mr. Libby benefited from the best this country had to offer: the finest schools, a lucrative career as a lawyer and many years of service in Republican administrations. That he would knowingly lie, perjure himself and obstruct a legitimate criminal investigation is incomprehensible."


The reaction from the White House: Dana Perino told reporters that the president felt sad for Libby's family but would have no further comment about the case, the sentence or the possibility of a pardon at this time. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was asked about the Libby sentence at a press conference a few minutes ago. He declined to comment as well.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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