Dick Cheney appears tonight on "Larry King Live," the show where he declared -- more than two years and 1,900 dead American troops ago -- that we were seeing "the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency" in Iraq.
We may have to wait a while to see if Cheney is as wrong tonight as he was back in May 2005. But we don't have to wait until King's show airs to get a glimpse of what the Dark Prince has to say.
Among the excerpts CNN has already released:
Cheney on the U.S. attorney probe: The vice president calls the congressional investigation into the firing of federal prosecutors "a bit of a witch hunt." "First of all, there's no charge," he says. "What's the allegation of wrongdoing here? Frankly, there isn't any. They keep rolling over rocks hoping they can find something, but there really hasn't been anything come up that would suggest there was any wrongdoing of any kind."
Cheney on Alberto Gonzales: As he did Monday in an interview with CBS News, the vice president -- almost alone among Washington politicians -- comes to the defense of the attorney general. Cheney says Gonzales is a "good man, a good friend on a difficult assignment." But does that mean Cheney isn't "troubled" by the "appearance" that Gonzales hasn't been truthful with the Senate? "Well," Cheney says, "I don't want to get into the specifics with respect to his testimony and the questions that were asked. I know Al on a personal and professional basis, and I hold him in high regard."
Cheney on whether he sent Gonzales and Andy Card to John Ashcroft's hospital room in 2004: The New York Times says he did. Cheney says he doesn't remember.
Cheney on Hillary Clinton: The vice president says he stands by a letter Defense Undersecretary Eric Edelman sent recently to Clinton -- the one in which Edelman rejected Clinton's request for information about plans for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq as akin to "enemy propaganda." Defense Secretary Robert Gates has tried to distance himself from the views expressed in Edelman's letter -- in a follow-up letter to Clinton, Gates said that the Pentagon does not "claim, suggest or otherwise believe that congressional oversight emboldens our enemies, nor do we question anyone's motives in this regard" -- but Cheney says he thought Edelman's letter was a "good" one and that he agrees with the view it espouses.