Sen. Larry Craig announced that he'll announce on Saturday whether he's leaving the Senate (what's with these Republicans announcing their announcements?). We'll bring you the news as soon as we can -- the Associated Press is reporting that he'll resign -- but Craig didn't check with Salon before scheduling his announcement; our publishing system is undergoing an upgrade on Saturday, and there may be a few hours when we can't publish new stories. We need the upgrade -- thank you to our excellent technology team! -- and we picked what has traditionally been the slowest weekend of the year, but ... news happens. We'll try to keep downtime to a minimum. Meanwhile, enjoy Caitlin Shamberg's great "Larry Craig TV" highlight reel on Video Dog.
Be sure to check back on Sunday, when we bring you an extra-special "Opus" by Berkeley Breathed. That's all I can say for now, but it will be worth checking out, even on a holiday weekend.
I also wanted to update you on our latest thinking about letters and comments. I wrote a while back that we were considering doing away with "anonymous" posting, mainly because a lot of readers who use their own names or regular screen names find it frustrating, and some anonymous posters were the source of particularly abusive comments. I found myself persuaded by writers who asked that we keep the anonymous option, at least for now. Readers also helped me see that most of the problems with abusive comments could be solved by tougher moderation. So we've been tougher, and we'll continue to be. I appreciate everyone who weighed in on the question. We're also looking into new forms of community moderation, and we'll keep you posted.
Our letters publishing system will be up and running all weekend, so please tell me what you think, and enjoy the holiday.