The Times on Iowa: Condescend much?

Rural voters may be racist, but they're also too stupid to do anything about it!

Published October 11, 2007 11:44AM (EDT)

The New York Times on Democratic voters in rural Iowa: They may be racist, but they're also too stupid to do anything about it.

From the Times' piece this morning on Bill Richardson:

"In Iowa, he is taking a page from Mr. Edwards's playbook and courting rural Iowans -- who, under the complicated rules of the caucus, have disproportionate power and who may be uncomfortable supporting a woman or a black man.

"For these conservative voters, even though Mr. Richardson is the first Hispanic to seek the presidency, his name does not give that away, and Mr. Richardson does not define himself as the 'Hispanic candidate.'"

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

MORE FROM Tim Grieve

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