An accountability moment, Huckabee style

He says he showed an anti-Romney attack ad because the media wouldn't have believed him if he hadn't.

Published January 2, 2008 4:05PM (EST)

With just one day to go before the Iowa caucuses, the leading Republican candidates took their A games to the network morning shows today. Or something like that.

Here's Mike Huckabee, explaining, during a "Good Morning America" appearance, why he showed an ad attacking Mitt Romney at a press conference in which he announced that he was too high-minded to use the ad at all: "If I hadn't have done it, the same media that said, 'Oh, you showed it to us,' would have said, 'You don't have one. You didn't show it to us.'"

Yes, but Huckabee must have known that once he showed the ad at his press conference, it would get some airtime on the cable news, right?

Apparently not.

"I don't know how it got out there," Huckabee protested. "And even the only network that said they had a copy said they didn't get it from us. They may have gotten it from one of the television stations who had it in their traffic."

Not to be outdone, Romney took a spin this morning on "Fox & Friends," where he was asked about a new John McCain ad that notes his lack of foreign policy experience. "Well, I'm not sure what the ad says," Romney said. "But, you know, if you just want to get somebody who knows a lot about foreign policy, well, go to the State Department and pluck somebody out."

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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