And 61 percent voted against Romney

Accentuating the negative from Michigan. Plus: The final results.

Published January 16, 2008 12:39PM (EST)

From the "Glass Half-Empty" Department, here's the Washington Post's headline on Hillary Clinton's win in Tuesday's Michigan primary: "44 Percent Vote Against Clinton."

While the Post surely deserves some kind of award for accentuating the negative, the final results in the Democratic primary were actually a little worse for Clinton than what the paper had when it went to press Tuesday night. With 100 percent of the precincts reporting, Clinton drew 55 percent of the vote. "Uncommitted" got 40 percent, Dennis Kucinich picked up 4 percent, Chris Dodd --who's out of the race -- won 1 percent, and Mike Gravel -- who's still in -- drew even less than that.

How popular was "Uncommitted" in the Democratic primary? Here's one measure: It drew more votes than any Republican candidate who wasn't Mitt Romney or John McCain.

Speaking of Republicans, here's the final tally from the GOP primary:

Mitt Romney: 39 percent.

John McCain: 30 percent.

Mike Huckabee: 16 percent.

Ron Paul: 6 percent.

Fred Thompson: 4 percent.

Rudy Giuliani: 3 percent.

Uncommitted: 2 percent.

Duncan Hunter: 0 percent.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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