By now, most of you have probably seen Tim Grieve's farewell note; I just wanted to introduce myself briefly. I've been a staff writer here at Salon for a little over a year now, and if you've been a regular reader of War Room, you've probably seen my byline before, as I've been a regular fill-in for Tim. I've read the letters you all posted to Tim's goodbye, so I know you'll all miss him as much as we will, but we've got some plans for the future of War Room I think are pretty exciting, and I hope you'll think so too. In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to drop me an e-mail at
A programming note
Just introducing myself.
Published January 29, 2008 2:29PM (EST)

By Alex Koppelman
Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.
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