Obama debuts Pennsylvania TV spots

Barack Obama's campaign releases three ads targeting the next state to vote.

Published March 21, 2008 10:40PM (EDT)

Though just about everyone believes Hillary Clinton will carry Pennsylvania, Barack Obama's campaign isn't giving up on the state. It has just released three television ads that will run in the state's six major media markets. Clinton hasn't run any ads in Pennsylvania yet.

The ads have been dubbed "Opportunity," "Toughest" and "Carry." "Opportunity" runs 60 seconds and is a biographical piece; "Toughest" is about his efforts at ethics reform and opposition to lobbyists. "Carry," which has run elsewhere, is about his bipartisanship during his time in the Illinois Senate.

"Opportunity" and "Toughest" are viewable below; "Carry" isn't currently embeddable, but you can watch it here.



By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

MORE FROM Alex Koppelman

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