The candidates have told us what they plan to do over the next four years, but the Photoshopping masters over at probed a more important question: What will Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama look like four years from now?
Answer: They'll look older! And in some cases -- McCain, I'm looking at you! -- corpsey old. (Click the pictures to go to PopPhoto's page, with much larger images.)
Here's PopPhoto's description of what it did to add years to the candidates' faces:
- Used the Burn and Dodge tools to deepen wrinkles and paint in age spots.
- Cloned the eyebrows and moved them lower.
- Used the Liquify filter to hollow out cheeks, make jowls, thin out lips, and enlarge ears and noses.
- For Clinton and Obama, brought in forehead wrinkles from separate photos and used the Match Color tool to blend them in.
- For Obama, painted in gray hair on top of his current hair; for Clinton, desaturated with the Sponge tool to make her grayer.
(Thanks, HuffPo!)