Whither John Edwards?

Did Edwards let slip that he voted for Barack Obama in the North Carolina primary?

Published May 9, 2008 7:10PM (EDT)

Did John Edwards admit that he voted for Barack Obama in the North Carolina primary? That's the question that has had political blogs all aflutter since Edwards' appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Friday morning. Asked about his vote, Edwards said something that sounded like "I just voted for him on Tuesday," but could have also been "voted for them." (You can watch the full video below.)

Edwards, who has yet to officially endorse either Hillary Clinton or Obama, almost immediately told USA Today's Susan Page that he had not said "him." "I said I voted for 'em," Edwards said. "I'm a Southerner ... It wasn't meant to be male or female."

Debates about accents and syllables aside, Edwards spent a great part of Friday morning extolling Obama. Edwards also appeared on the "Today" show Friday morning and said of Obama: "What he brings to the table is the capacity, No. 1, to unite the Democratic Party ... No. 2, to bring in new voters, to bring in people who haven't been involved in the process over a long time and to get people excited about this change."

By Vincent Rossmeier

Vincent Rossmeier is an editorial assistant at Salon.

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