Obama asks top donors to help with Clinton's debt

As the push for unity continues, Clinton is also expected to do her part -- urging her congressional supporters to back the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Published June 25, 2008 1:41PM (EDT)

During a conference call with his national finance team on Tuesday, Barack Obama asked some of his top donors to help Hillary Clinton retire some of her campaign debt, ABC News reports.

Interestingly, according to ABC News and other outlets that have the story, Obama asked his donors to assist Clinton in paying off her campaign's debt to vendors. Not included in Obama's request was the debt Clinton's campaign owes to the candidate herself, which was at one point more than $10 million.

Clinton is also making her own moves toward party unity this week. The week will culminate in a joint appearance featuring the two former rivals, to be held in -- no, seriously -- Unity, N.H. They'll also be at a fundraiser together on Thursday. Wednesday, Clinton will be on Capitol Hill, meeting with some of her supporters in Congress and urging them to get behind Obama.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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