After a week of nearly nonstop writing I'm looking forward to unplugging and unwinding on the beach with a book I hope offers a perfect escape: "Hold Tight" by Harlan Coben.
It was chosen as one of Salon's suggested summer reads and Louis Bayard's review cites the perfect formula for my kind of thrill ride: family strife, Internet cabals and parents who install spy software on their son's computer to unlock secrets, all of which make the book a no-brainer choice for me (though whether I'll go with the hardback or the e-book and risk dropping my iPhone I have yet to decide).
Other high-tech-flavored books on my summer reading list include the novels "Circumference of Darkness" (Jack Henderson), "An Ordinary Spy" (Joseph Weisberg), "Spook Country" (William Gibson) and the nonfiction title "Game Boys: Professional Videogaming's Rise From the Basement to the Big Time" (Michael Kane).
What about you? Read any great novels featuring high-tech twists and plot devices (so to speak)? Recommendations are welcome, as is starting a conversation about the role high technology plays in fiction.
One last thing: Thanks to all of the readers who visited Machinist this week -- especially those who took the time to comment on my posts, often in ways that opened interesting and helpful discussions about additional and alternative products, services and ways of doing and seeing things. I've had a blast, and I'm pleased Salon has invited me to return Monday for another week as guest blogger. I hope you're pleased too. And if not, don't be shy about saying so -- I can handle it.
Have a great weekend.