As Joan Walsh explained earlier this week, there's a new feature on our site, Open Salon:
"It's part blogging platform, part social network. You don't need an invitation: Just sign up, and you can start your own blog, maintain a profile page and connect with friends and writers you admire… Open Salon gets rid of traditional gatekeepers, and makes our smart, creative audience full partners in Salon's publishing future."
And there is, to be sure, some great writing that I feel compelled to point out to Broadsheet readers: Terrible Mother, Madame Bitch and snarlingcoyote, whose terrific post today is titled "Hooters of Destiny -- Life after 40 in a 34DD." An excerpt:
"At some point in your life, if you're a woman with breasts of heft and weight, you discover yourself standing in front of a mirror adjusting things so that both nipples are in the same approximate place and look as though they might belong to a firm, upright, outstanding pair of knockers. The knockers you yourself had at oh, around age 20.
We'll be bringing you more of the best female writing on Open Salon as the site evolves. We hope you'll join the party. It's a happening spot.