Playboy TV
Iliza Shlesinger
Speaking of television, the Internet tells me that starting Sept. 1, Playboy TV is going to have a new show called "Gadget or the Girl." It will be hosted by Iliza Shlesinger (pictured).
The premise, as the title suggests, is that a (straight) guy gets presented with a trio of what Playboy TV's own blog (possibly NSFW) calls "sizzling bodies." Then after picking two of them, the threesome (Seriously, why a threesome? The premise of this show is ridiculous enough already!) will go out on a date.
By the end of said date, he chooses one girl to spend an evening with solo. (No word yet on what the "solo" activities will entail, or how many awkward camera angles there will be. This is Playboy, after all.)
Then -- and here comes the fun part -- he chooses between a weekend excursion with the girl or giving her up instead for a "giant plasma TV" or "an arcade machine." Crave adds that if the girl persuades the guy to pick her, then she gets a prize too. I'm hoping that her prize is equally as awesome as whatever it was that the guy would have gotten.
So, right, we all agree on the ZOMG awesome factor of this show, yes? In the words of Bonnie Ruberg and Tom's Guide, clearly the winning formula here is: dorks + babes + tech = money! Woohoo! Freaking brilliant, indeed.
But at the risk of being a buzzkill and sounding too touchy-feely (but in a fun way!), how about a show in which the contestant and the "body" have to do something geeky, together? Like, he has to teach her how to configure a Wi-Fi router? Or she has to teach him how to write a Greasemonkey script? Or he has to teach her how to get down and dirty with PHP? Or she has to teach him how to write a Facebook application?
I'm sure that loads of guys out there would love to be able to share their passion between the ears and between the sheets at the same time, and have them spiral out of control into a self-perpetuating lovefest. Can't we have our relationships (no matter how superficial or short-lived) and our geekery too?
No? Maybe this is why I don't write for television.