Our sisters over at Jezebel alerted us to AbortionTracker.com. According to the website:
Our unique search database pulls information from a variety of 3rd party and proprietary sources to compile a full, comprehensive list of every woman who has had an abortion procedure performed in the United States and Canada, dating back to 1940, in many cases.
Simply join our network, submit your personal information, and once you are approved, we will grant you access to our cutting edge, patent pending system. Before you know it, you’ll know your friends and neighbors for who they really are.

Sound enragingly over the top? Well, there's a reason for that. The whole site is almost certainly a hoax -- "Bear in mind that our offices are technically located overseas, and very few of the laws you know actually pertain to anything bearing upon our operation" reads one portion, while another part suggests women seeking internships send in photos of themselves in bikinis -- but even as subtle satire, it's just plain creepy.