It has already been two weeks since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, but it feels more like two years. The initially exhilarating debates that she and Hillary Clinton have incited on feminism and politics have circled back on themselves so many times as to become exhausting. So let's thank our lucky stars that the British media is finally focusing on what's really important: Palin's hairdo.
Apparently, like the legions who bought the dress Michelle Obama wore to co-host "The View," women are desperate to get the veep candidate's coiffure. As the Telegraph notes, a site called WigSalon.com is touting a Raquel Welch-brand Sarah Palin wig, noting that shoppers looking to emulate Palin's highlights should buy the $115 hairpiece in "glazed hazelnut." I have to admit, seeing the Welch and Palin photos side by side, I'm impressed by the resemblance (though I never imagined I'd see those two ladies juxtaposed with each other).
The Palin shopping spree doesn't end with wigs, though. Women are clamoring to know what brand of lipstick the self-professed "pit bull" wore for her convention speech, and there's a run on the eyeglasses she sported, too. Sales of Palin's red high heels -- manufactured by a rather boldly named company called Naughty Monkey -- are through the roof.
I don't find Palin's style particularly special, so I can't say I understand the impulse to emulate it. But there's one thing I know for sure: I'd rather see women copying her look than believing what she says.