New McCain ad hits Obama TV special

The Republican nominee's latest spot repeats familiar themes, this time pegged to Wednesday night's 30-minute Obama infomercial.

Published October 29, 2008 1:15PM (EDT)

John McCain's latest ad sticks to well-trod messages, attacking Barack Obama as being an inexperienced tax-and-spend liberal who's not ready to be president.

It's the timing of this spot that's interesting. It's intended to counter the half-hour special Obama will air on multiple TV channels Wednesday night.

"Behind the fancy speeches, grand promises and TV special lies the truth," a narrator says to open the ad. "With crises at home and abroad, Barack Obama lacks the experience America needs. And it shows. His response to our economic crisis is to spend and tax our economy deeper into recession. The fact is, Barack Obama's not ready yet."

The McCain camp says the ad will air on national broadcast networks.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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