It's official: Obama will win, thanks to the Redskins

If history is right, Washington's embarrassing loss Monday night all but ensures an Obama win.

Published November 4, 2008 8:18PM (EST)

On Friday, I wrote about the uncanny correlaton between the Washington Redskins and U.S. presidential elections. To summarize: Since 1936, in every election except 2004's, when the Redskins won their final home game before the presidential election, the incumbent party has won. When they've lost, so too has the incumbent party.

Monday night, my beloved Redskins were outworked and embarrassed, losing 23-6 against the visiting Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers used a strong ground game and played efficient, mostly error-free football to destroy the Skins.

Based on the result, the election is now all but assured to end in a victory for Barack Obama. And if the Redskins' performance was any indication, Obama won't just win, he'll blow John McCain out of the water. Who knows why they're even bothering to count the votes.  

Or perhaps they should. Remember that freakish 2004 anomaly? It could serve as a good reminder to Obama supporters about the dangers of overconfidence. After the Green Bay Packers beat the Redskins in 2004, thus supposedly ensuring an election victory for John Kerry, Packers safety Darren Sharper, a Kerry supporter, said of his candidate, "Oh, yeah, he's going to win. It's guaranteed. I don't have to vote now. Don't even have to go to the polls. Saved me a trip on Tuesday."

By Vincent Rossmeier

Vincent Rossmeier is an editorial assistant at Salon.

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