CBS screen shot
If you're like me, you're going to spend Election Night pretty much glued to the Internet, waiting for news to pop up wherever it might -- on Twitter, blogs, YouTube and, yes, that good ol' stalwart, the mainstream media. Usually I don't watch television, but there are a few instances -- like today -- when I actually do want to watch something like CNN with the graphics, the analysis, the whole shebang. Further, I'm abroad, so it's not like I can simply hop over to my local bar to watch election results (here's a handy map showing when the polls close). So where can I go to watch live coverage online?
CNN is offering live coverage here and here. I've also found CBS's coverage to be working well so far -- as of this writing, CBS has a camera trained (sans commentary) on a gym in Chicago where Obama is voting. (See photo at top.)
Oh yeah, and don't forget about the ever-reliable C-SPAN.
Apparently ABC and MSNBC will be offering live coverage online as well, but I haven't been able to find the respective sites yet.
There's also this gray-market online streaming site, Channel Chooser, which offers both American channels and foreign ones, including BBC, France 24, Al Jazeera English and Sky News Australia.
Alley Insider has a bunch of live feeds from the McCain and Obama camps and some conservative Christian groups as well.
For live radio coverage, there's NPR and CBC.
The New York Times has built a neat little election dashboard that updates every two minutes, and Google has gotten in on the action with its own map-based results page.
And finally, of course, there's Salon's own coverage.
Happy voting!