"Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her."
Advertisers, take note: Scantily clad ladies aren't just for selling beer anymore. Turns out, they're just as useful for convincing dudes to do socially responsible things! In a new, Belgian ad that seems to take a page from PETA's pro-animal, anti-woman playbook, a young woman, looking decidedly post-coital and wearing only panties, a bra and a pair of painful-looking stilettos, poses suggestively on a couch. The text? "Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her."
I don't want to waste your time taking this apart, because I think the ad's creepy implications are obvious enough. And I can't say I'm upset at this so much as thoroughly weirded out. All discussion of using hot chicks in advertising aside, is the "maybe I'll die in a car crash and my kidney will end up in the body of a really cute girl who just happens to need it" scenario really something anyone wants to imagine? I know Europeans have a darker sense of humor than we do, but jeez.