Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston split up

The Alaska governor's daughter has confirmed a tabloid report: She's broken up with the father of her baby boy.

Published March 12, 2009 2:55PM (EDT)

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have confirmed a story that originally appeared in the tabloid Star: The pair, who became famous when Palin's pregnancy was announced during her mother's run for the vice-presidency, have split up.

In a statement, Palin said she had been "devastated" by the Star report, which was based on an interview with Johnston's sister Mercede, who told the magazine, "Levi tries to visit [the couple's son] Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible. She tells him he can't take the baby to our house because she doesn't want him around 'white trash'!"

"Unfortunately, my family has seen many people say and do many things to 'cash in' on the Palin name," Bristol Palin said in her statement. "Sometimes that greed clouds good judgment and the truth."

Johnston himself also confirmed the breakup, telling the Associated Press he and Palin decided on the split "a while ago."

Salon's own Broadsheet hosted a roundtable discussion on the story and Palin and Johnston's decision yesterday; you can read it here.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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