Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is enough trouble as it is -- with a race for re-election coming up next year, his numbers are in the toilet. The Republican threat is enough to make him uncomfortable, but he's never been liberals' favorite guy, either, and now they're taking out ads to show it.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is out with a new ad that encourages Reid to push for a public option in the Senate, and that seems to encourage votes against him if he can't get it done. Spots like this will sometimes only be aired on national cable or in Washington, D.C., a sign that they're more about influencing opinion makers than anything else, but in this case the PCCC is hitting Reid quite literally where he lives, in Nevada.
As ABC News' Teddy Davis notes, Reid and PCCC already have a less-than-cordial relationship, after the group joined Rep. Alan Grayson to deliver a petition with 90,000 signatures to the majority leader, asking him to punish Democrats who support a Republican filibuster of healthcare reform legislation.