Fox News exec, White House's Gibbs smoke peace pipe

Is the war between Fox News and the Obama administration finally coming to a close?

Published October 29, 2009 8:15PM (EDT)

If you've managed to miss it somehow amidst the nearly incessant coverage, you should know now that the White House and Fox News have been at "war" for some time now. (Salon's very own Mike Madden has a great run-down of this today, including the question of why many in the mainstream media have jumped to Fox's defense.) But it seems that an end to open hostilities may be at hand.

On Wednesday, Fishbowl DC reported that Michael Clemente, a senior vice president at Fox, had met with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and that the two had "reached what some are calling a 'truce.'" FishbowlDC also reported that Clemente subsequently met with the network's Washington bureau and "encouraged staff to remain 'fair and balanced.'"

The meeting itself has since been confirmed, though the rumors of a truce haven't yet. Both sides are remaining mum about what went on. It's worth remembering that this isn't the first time there's been a high-level meeting between the Obama team and the network, and the previoius sessions haven't done much to reduce tensions.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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