Introducing "This Week in Blackness"

Keeping it real with Michael Steele, much ado about Negro, and what did Michael Eric Dyson say now?

Published January 15, 2010 10:16PM (EST)

The Brooklyn Comedy Company is proud to partner with Salon to bring you Season 3 of "This Week in Blackness," or TWIBtv. Most weeks we'll only bring you one episode, but this was a spectacular week in blackness, featuring lots of Michael Steele news, much ado about Negro and, finally, Professor Michael Eric Dyson stepping in it, again. Plus, it's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s holiday. So here are three episodes to start the season.

You can find seasons 1 and 2 here. Tell us what you think in comments, or follow me on Twitter here.

Keeping it real with Michael Steele

Much ado about Negro

What did Michael Eric Dyson say now?


By Elon James White

Elon James White is the editor-in-chief at This Week in Blackness. You can also follow him on Twitter.

MORE FROM Elon James White

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