Woman's last stand (against Dodge)

The automaker's Super Bowl spot is remixed for the ladies

Published February 11, 2010 11:12PM (EST)

There's really only one fitting way to respond to the Dodge Charger Super Bowl ad, "Man's Last Stand," featuring downtrodden males who have been forced to bend to women's every will: An ego-blistering spoof! Producer MacKenzie Fegan has done just that, mimicking the style and format of the spot to a T -- only, it stars women. Instead of men dejectedly promising to "take your call," "put the seat down" and "carry your lip balm," the parody gives voice to some stereotypical female complaints:

I will eat half a grapefruit for breakfast. I will get the kids ready for school ... I will make 75 cents for every dollar you make doing the same job. I will assert myself and get called a bitch ... I will put my career on hold to raise your child. I will diet, botox and wax -- everything ... I will elect male politicians who make decisions about my body ... I will watch Super Bowl commercials that depict men as emasculated and oppressed, and I will feel so fucking sorry for you.



By Tracy Clark-Flory

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