W.H.: Obama to be covered under new health market

Administration says legislation from Sen. Charles Grassley forcing Obama to use new healthcare plan is unnecessary

Published March 24, 2010 7:10PM (EDT)

The White House says President Barack Obama will join other Americans in getting health coverage through new purchasing marketplaces established by his health overhaul law.

The so-called "exchanges" won't be up and running until 2014, so Obama's participation as president will depend on his getting re-elected in 2012.

The White House announced Obama's planned participation in a statement Wednesday after Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa introduced an amendment that would have required Obama to go into the exchanges.

The health law already puts members of Congress in the exchanges but Grassley wanted that requirement extended to Obama, other executive branch officials and all congressional staff.

The White House said the amendment was unnecessary because Obama would participate in the exchange.

By Associated Press

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