Hello, all. I'm Alex Pareene. I'll be your new War Room Czar. I'm thrilled to join the Salon family, and I hope you all enjoy lengthy, obsessively detailed Gossip Girl recaps. (Kidding! I only watch House.)
I'm from Minneapolis, I live in Brooklyn, and I once spent 18 drunken months covering DC. Politically, I'm basically your typical effete coastal liberal elitist.
So! I was, formerly, the politics editor for Gawker.com, Rush Limbaugh's favorite gossip website, and before that I edited Wonkette. (Before that I spent most of my time drinking cheap canned beers and arguing about music.)
You can follow me on "The Twitters" or shoot me an email at apareene@salon.com (once I actually get my email set up). I've been off for a week, so just give me a minute to catch up on the various horrible crimes against reason and common decency committed by senators named Nelson and then we'll get started.