Memorable moments from presidential dinners

Slide show: The White House Correspondents' Dinner is here. For better or worse, it's produced some notable scenes

Published May 1, 2010 6:01PM (EDT)

U.S. President Bill Clinton reads a magazines as he waits for his laundry in a still from the mock video he staged for the annual White House Correspondent's Dinner, released Saturday, April 30, 2000. The president, his wife Hillary, and a cast of White House secretaries and advisors took to the stage in a light-hearted film marking the end of Clinton's period in office. (AP Photo/White House Production) (Associated Press)
U.S. President Bill Clinton reads a magazines as he waits for his laundry in a still from the mock video he staged for the annual White House Correspondent's Dinner, released Saturday, April 30, 2000. The president, his wife Hillary, and a cast of White House secretaries and advisors took to the stage in a light-hearted film marking the end of Clinton's period in office. (AP Photo/White House Production) (Associated Press)

Jay Leno will be headlining Saturday night's Washington "prom," the annual dinner of the White House Correspondents' Association, so few are expecting the event to yield any memorable moments. But that hasn't been the case in the past. Take a look back at some hard-to-forget (even if you want to) White House Correspondents' Dinners from the past. (With a few moments from the D.C. media's other major annual event, the Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner, also thrown in!)

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