- A Fox News producer overheard a conversation between ex-Republican Senator Arlen Specter and current Republican Senator Orrin Hatch. Arlen says Orrin "better watch out" for the Club for Growth.
- If you're going to advocate shooting liberals, at least do it in person.
- James Galbraith says we don't even need to worry about the long-term deficit. Good enough for me!
- Rand Paul is kicking ass in the Kentucky Senate race.
Wednesday link dump: Orrin you glad you're not a Utah Republican?
The target on Hatch's back, Rand Paul rides high, and don't worry about the deficit
By Alex Pareene
Published May 13, 2010 12:01AM (EDT)

By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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