- Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown voted to proceed on the financial reform bill. He was not the only Republican to vote for it (Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe joined him), but he was the only Republican with thousands of fanatical Facebook fans to have voted with the Democrats.
- Rand Paul is not intellectually consistent and he's not absolved of charges of racism, says aimai at No More Mister Nice Blog.
- And Michael Tomasky just says libertarians are wacko.
- Rent boy-hiring anti-gay pseudo-scholar George Rekers is a monster who performed sick "therapies" on children.
- Campbell Brown should run for Senate against either Kirstin Gillibrand or Chuck Schumer, according to a bored person and Bill Kristol.
- The Pennsylvania state attorney general who is issuing subpoenas to figure out who is being mean to him on Twitter claims to be doing so because of an ongoing criminal investigation.
Thursday link dump: Scott Brown's fans don't "like" him anymore
Scott Brown's sad Facebook fans, George Rekers, and so much Rand Paul
By Alex Pareene
Published May 20, 2010 10:45PM (EDT)
By Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene
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