Spotted Dick, Nun's Farts, Priest Stranglers, and Virgin's Breasts were just the beginning, it seems. When we presented the original 10 Tragic Moments in Food Names, readers flooded the comments and our inbox with some of their favorite unspeakable comestibles -- from Mule's Testicles to Negro's Kisses. Ah, the wisdom of the crowd! And now, Salon Food presents: 10 More Tragic Moments in Food Names.
10 more tragic moments in food names
From Drowned Babies to Mule's Testicles, another feast best eaten and not heard
By Francis Lam
Published May 26, 2010 8:15PM (EDT)

By Francis Lam
Francis Lam is Features Editor at Gilt Taste, provides color commentary for the Cooking Channel show Food(ography), and tweets at @francis_lam.
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